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As leaders in the association community, we strongly embrace ASAE's Diversity + Inclusion Statement. They are committed to the principals and ideals set forth by ASAE and welcome and encourage the nomination of candidates from diverse backgrounds.

ASAE Diversity & Inclusion Statement

To help associations and association professionals transform society through the power of collaboration, ASAE pledges to:

  1. practice inclusion,
  2. pull in diverse backgrounds and perspectives to enrich group capabilities, and
  3. point out opportunities to support equitable work environments and behaviors.

Building on our 30-year D+I commitment, we are especially concerned with creating space for the difficult conversations, hearing the voices least heard, and providing leadership where it is needed in governance and operations. In doing so, we advance ASAE’s mission while also providing culturally relevant service and value to members and society.

In principle and in practice, ASAE values and seeks diversity and inclusive practices within the association management industry.

Learn more about ASAE’s commitment to Diversity + Inclusion on our main website.